Margaret’s message for Sunday 21st April

I’m writing this on Monday evening after a group of 8 of us from Trimley and Walton went to the funeral of the Reverend Christopher Leffler in Godmanchester. He and Jane had moved there 3 years ago to be closer to their family. If you knew Christopher, you won’t be surprised to learn that he had prepared exactly what he wanted in his funeral service, and it reflected so much of what we remember him for – a love of music of all types, hymns old and new, liturgy, poetry, humour and, above all, family. The eulogy, given by one of his sons, was a masterpiece of description of a full life, full of dedication, humour, numerous skills, eccentricities and knowledge. The service was led by old friend Rev’d Rod Corke, who served his curacy at Trimley under Christopher, and the sermon was preached by our dear Rev’d Charlotte Cook. Both of them had benefitted from Christopher’s wisdom and advice during their curacies – though many years apart!

Charlotte preached on the Bible reading, Psalm 139. Do look it up and remind yourself of what it says. She focussed on 2 aspects of it – that God has known us from the very beginning of our being, and that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made”. She reflected that these 2 things are what gave Christopher’s ministry its meaning and momentum – that God knew him, knew all about him and always had done, and that God knew and loved his uniqueness. She also reflected that this is true for each one of us. God has made us all quite unique – there is no-one else exactly like you. God knows us through and through, and loves us “warts and all”! Each one of us is fearfully and wonderfully made by God who desires a loving relationship with us. This was Christopher’s goal – to serve the God who had made him, and to share his love for God with other people. Isn’t this what each of us should be aiming for?

Love, Margaret

Our Mission Statement

Our Mission Statement is “to grow in faith together through the love of God, be empowered to make Jesus known and inspired by the Holy Spirit to be His light in our communities” and this underpins all our activities within our benefice.


Mid Week Morning Prayer & Holy Communion

We have mid-week services available on three days:

On Mondays: Morning Prayer will be at 9.15am in St Mary’s Walton followed by Coffee, Cake & Chat (3Cs) from 10am to 12pm

On Wednesdays: Holy Communion will be at 9.15am in St Martins, Trimley followed by Café 10 from 10am to-12pm

On Thursdays: Morning Prayer will be at 9.15am in St Philip’s Community Hub, then the Hub is open from 10am to 1.30pm