Wendy’s message for Sunday 12th January

Jesus Baptised by John

What is Baptism About?

Have you ever heard of Baptism?
The cooling water kind?
But did you know that there’s another?
One that God perfectly designed.
You may have been baptized by water,
By dunk, or sprinkle, or cup.
Some are baptized as babies,
And some are all grown up.
It’s how we tell friends and family,
That we’ve begun a life set apart.
We are cleansed by that cool water,
Just as Jesus cleansed our heart.
There is still another Baptism,
One that you can’t see.
The Baptism of the Holy Spirit,
When He lives in you and me.
When Jesus went back to heaven,
The Holy Spirit came to be our guide.
He lives inside you always,
To help you leave sin behind.
Both Baptisms are important,
One on the outside and one within.
But they mean you love Jesus,
And will be with Him in the end.

Got questions do ask. Lv Wendy F

Update on St Mary’s Church Roof Works

This first phase of work on the roof has been completed, however, this has highlighted two further problems. Firstly, with the box gutter on the roof between the two main pitches. The gutter, which has been previously repaired, is old and cracked and is allowing rainwater to leak in underneath it. Secondly, the tiles on one slope of the side aisle roof are slipping because the nails have rusted and the timber battens are decayed; the felt under the tiles is old and rotten and no longer water tight. This is a fourth section of the roof that needs replacing.

Obviously, this is not good news. The PCC have decided that the gutter and the fourth section of the roof need to be replaced now; we don’t have a lot of choice, and this extra work is going to cost £16,500 + VAT.  We will be seeking to cover the cost of this from our reserves, but it will make a big dent in our finances.

Going forward the current quote to replace the other two sections of the roof is in the region of £25 -£30,000. The PCC will need to consider the funding and timing for this work.

Our Mission Statement

Our Mission Statement is “to grow in faith together through the love of God, be empowered to make Jesus known and inspired by the Holy Spirit to be His light in our communities” and this underpins all our activities within our benefice.


Mid Week Morning Prayer & Holy Communion

We have mid-week services available on three days:

On Mondays: Morning Prayer will be at 9.15am in St Mary’s Walton followed by Coffee, Cake & Chat (3Cs) from 10am to 12pm

On Wednesdays: Holy Communion will be at 9.15am in St Martins, Trimley followed by Café 10 from 10am to-12pm

On Thursdays: Morning Prayer will be at 9.15am in St Philip’s Community Hub, then the Hub is open from 10am to 1.30pm